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A Couple of Useful Apps for Time Poor People...
I am a dinosaur really - heading towards being a hermit. Either that or I am getting more like my Grandfather every day, except I am becoming a grumpy old woman instead of a grumpy old man. Oh and OK not so much the old but some days it sure feels it...
BUT I have found a few phone apps/websites that I really enjoy and make life easier so I thought I would share them with you. They are all free although you can upgrade, but I am happy with the basic models:).
According to all the self help books I need to get up an hour earlier if I want to exercise. That's not happening, and any good intentions of doing something after work often go out the window as other things have a higher priority. I am not a gym person either so the following apps allow me to do my thing when and where I want.
SWORKIT - according to their website "SWORKIT allows you to customize and play personalized video workouts that fit into your life". My daughter found this in the holidays and I joined in. You can download it on your phone. It's a series of different exercise groupings but what I like is that you can set the time. If you only have 10 minutes available then thats all you set it for, put your mind in nutral and off you go!. I'm not sure what the customization is all about I haven't tried that.
My Fitness Pal - Anything that means I don't have to think or remember things is great for me. There are great recipies, blog articles on alsorts of things, along with the main part which is a food tracker. I like this as it lets you know how you are going on carbs, protien, sugars and not just calories. I found out that my daily intake of 6 pieces of fruit was really sending my sugars off the scale and weren't as healthy as I was thinking!
So, there are 2 options that I have found to be a great addition. As a rule I am not a great gadget person so surprised my self with these ones. I hope tht you enjoy them to. If you have any that you think are great, either post a comment below or mail us. We'd love to hear from you.